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How to Use AWS CloudFront for Image Redirection to Default Images

Published: at 12:00 AM

In this blog, we’ll explore how to use AWS CloudFront to serve a default image when your origin returns a 404 error. By implementing a Lambda@Edge function, we can ensure that users always receive a placeholder image instead of a broken link.

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Why Redirect Images on 404?

When a requested image is missing, returning a 404 error can lead to a poor user experience. Redirecting to a default image ensures that your website remains visually consistent and user-friendly.

Setting Up AWS CloudFront with Lambda@Edge

Step 1: Create a CloudFront Distribution

First, create a CloudFront distribution that points to your origin server where your images are hosted. Ensure that your distribution is properly configured to handle the necessary requests.

Step 2: Write the Lambda@Edge Function

The core of this solution involves using a Lambda@Edge function triggered on the Origin Response event. This function checks the status code from the origin and redirects to a default image if a 404 error is detected.

Here’s a breakdown of the code:

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    response = event['Records'][0]['cf']['response']
    response_headers = response['headers']

    if response['status'] == '404':
        if 'transfer-encoding' in response_headers:
            return {
                'status': '302',
                'headers': {
                    'location': [{
                        'key': 'Location',
                        'value': "DEFAULT-IMAGE-URL"
                    'transfer-encoding': [{
                        'key': 'Transfer-Encoding',
                        'value': 'chunked'
            return {
                'status': '302',
                'headers': {
                    'location': [{
                        'key': 'Location',
                        'value': "DEFAULT-IMAGE-URL"
    return response

Code Explanation

  1. Event Trigger: The function is triggered on the Origin Response event.
  2. Status Check: It checks if the response status code is 404.
  3. Transfer-Encoding Handling: If the Transfer-Encoding header is present, it includes it in the redirection response to prevent any CloudFront validation errors.
  4. Redirection: If a 404 is detected, it redirects to the specified default image URL.

Step 3: Deploy the Lambda@Edge Function

  1. Create the Lambda Function: Go to the AWS Lambda console and create a new function.
  2. Set Permissions: Ensure the function has the necessary permissions to execute.
  3. Attach to CloudFront: In the CloudFront distribution settings, attach the Lambda@Edge function to the Origin Response event.

Step 4: Test the Configuration

After deployment, test the configuration by requesting an image that doesn’t exist on your origin. You should be redirected to the default image.

Step 5: Monitor and Optimize

Monitor your CloudFront logs to ensure that redirections occur as expected and optimize the Lambda function as necessary to handle additional scenarios.


By implementing a Lambda@Edge function with AWS CloudFront, you can efficiently handle missing images by redirecting to a default placeholder. This enhances the user experience and maintains the integrity of your website’s design.

Key Takeaways:

By following these steps, you’ll ensure a seamless experience for your users, even when images are missing. Happy coding!

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